[ Index ]


This spreadsheet finds all text strings matching a given pattern. It uses the same style of recursive programming as the science-fiction generator, but this time applied to a "real-world" problem. This is something that came up in one of my consultancy-with-Excelsior jobs, when I had to create several sublists of dropdown options from a master list. Each sublist had to contain only those elements that matched a given pattern. This is difficult to code directly in Excel, but pretty easy in Excelsior.


These are the cells to search for occurrences of the pattern pattern, and pattern itself:

constant pattern.

table elements_to_search : elements_base -> text.


Element matching_elements[i] is the i'th element of elements_to_search that matches pattern, or blank if there are no more such elements.

table matching_elements : elements_base -> text.


Element the_index[i] is the index of the i'th element of elements_to_search that matches pattern, or -1 if there are no more such elements.

type elements_base.

table the_index : elements_base -> text.
the_index[ 1 ] =
  if( isna( match( pattern, elements_to_search[all], 0 ) )
    , -1
    , match( pattern, elements_to_search[all], 0 )

the_index[ i > 1 ] =
  if( the_index[i-1] = -1
      // There was no previous one, so can't be another.
    , -1
    , if( the_index[i-1] = upb(elements_base)
          // Previous one was at the end of the table,
          // so there can't be any more.
        , -1
        , if( isna( match( pattern
                         , elements_to_search[ (the_index[i-1]+1):upb(elements_base) ]
                         , 0
            , -1
            , match( pattern
                   , elements_to_search[ (the_index[i-1]+1):upb(elements_base) ]
                   , 0
                   ) + the_index[ i-1 ]

matching_elements[ i ] =
  if( the_index[ i ] <> -1
    , elements_to_search[ the_index[i] ]
    , ""