AutoTest.DOC Shelved on the 21st of December 1987 Updated on the 20th of February 1988 with the final comment on testing for correct instantiation. AUTOTEST HOW TO USE IT: There are two main predicates: '$run'(F) and '$run_test'(F). '$run'(F) expects F to be an atom naming a steering file. The steering file names other files, the so-called "test-files". Each test-file contains goals to be auto-tested. '$run_test'(F) expects F to name a test-file, and not a steering file. It tests the goals in F. STEERING FILE The steering file must contain at least no Prolog terms. Each term can be: (1) log_to( Atom ) or log_to( List_of_atoms ) (2) log_all_tests(on) or log_all_tests(off) (3) The atom 'stay' (4) Another atom If the term is 'log_to(_)', it resets the log files - see later. If it's log_all_tests, it alters whether successful tests are recorded. Otherwise, the atom specifies a filename, that of a so-called 'test file'. If any filename is 'stay', then the rest of the steering file is assumed to be the one and only test file. TEST FILES Each test file must contain at least no Prolog terms. Each term must be one of: (1) A structure of the form Goal :: Spec (2) log_to( Atom ) or log_to( List_of_atoms ) (3) log_all_tests(on) or log_all_tests(off) (4) Anything else. :: is an xfx, 255 operator declared in AutoTest.PL. If the term is 'log_to(_)' or 'log_all_tests(_)', it behaves like the same term in a steering file. If the term is not of the form Goal :: Spec, then AutoTest will write it to the log file(s). Terms of these forms are treated specially: (a) A <> B - recursively write A and B (b) A ... B - equivalent to A <> ' ' <> B (c) nl - emit a newline (d) '$'(S) - assume S is a list of character codes, and convert it to an atom before writing. <> and ... are xfy, 40 operators. GOALS AND SPECIFICATIONS If the term is a structure, Goal::Spec, then the Spec must be one of (a) The atom 's' or 'succeeds' (b) The atom 'f' or 'fails' (c) The atom 'c' or 'crashes' (d) A structure, 'c(ErrorKind)' or 'crashes(ErrorKind)' (e) Anything else (a) to (d) specify whether the Goal should succeed, or fail, or crash with some error. (e) specifies some more tests, given as a Prolog goal, which must succeed. Usually, they will contain tests on variables bound by Goal. Examples might be: (a) append( [1], [2], [1,2] ) :: s. (b) member( x, [] ) :: f. (c) see( V ) :: c. (d) see( 'Not a filename' ) :: crashes( error('-RMS-E-FNF, file not found') ). (e) member( X, [1,2,3,4] ) :: X == 4. When testing a Goal::Spec term, AutoTest calls the Goal (and then cuts it, to prevent backtracking into it). It notes whether the Goal: (a) Succeeded (b) Failed (c) Caused an error If (c), AutoTest tries to determine the error-code, if any. AutoTest then compares the Goal's effect with its Spec. If they differ, it writes a message stating what did happen, and what should have happened. In doing this: Goal's success obviously matches 's' or 'succeeds' Goal's failure obviously matches 'f' or 'fails' Goal's crashing matches 'c' or 'crashes' or 'c(_)' or 'crashes(_)' - except that, if AutoTest can determine an error code, and Spec specified a DIFFERENT code, then AutoTest will write a message saying so. If the Spec is a Prolog goal, AutoTest calls it. If it fails or causes an error, AutoTest reports that. Normally, AutoTest will not log successful tests. You can make it do so by including the term 'log_all_tests(on)' in the steering or test file. This will cause all tests, whether or not they succeeded, to be logged. A subsequent 'log_all_tests(off)' will revert AutoTest to logging only failed tests. TRAPPING ERRORS Note that the way errors are detected is implementation-dependent. This version of AutoTest can't detect them, because it relies on standard Edinburgh Prolog. You will have to modify the predicate '$call_giving_sfe' to trap errors, and return a structure 'e(ErrorCode)' in its second argument; or the atom 'e' if you can't find out the error code. LOGGING When AutoTest writes messages, it does so via the predicate '$writef_to_log', which sends to the log files specified by the assertion '$log_files' below. '$writef_to_log' writes the same message to each file in turn. The files are closed when AutoTest finishes. If you give a 'log_to(FL)' in the steering file, FL must be one atom, or a list of atoms, specifying the names of the new log files. AutoTest closes any log files which are not named in FL, and makes those in FL the new files. They are not opened until first written to. PREDICATE NAMES In order to avoid interfering with predicates under test, all predicates in AutoTest.PL have names starting with $ (dollar). There are three infix operators declared: "::", "<>", and "...". OPEN FILES If an error occurs while AutoTest is reading a file, then that file may not be closed properly. This means that the next call of '$run' or '$run_test' may start part of the way down the file. EXAMPLES There now follows a sample steering file, between (not including) the line of equals signs. ======================================================================== /* AUTOTEST.STEER */ /* Steering file for AutoTest.PL */ 'autotest.tst'. ======================================================================== That file would cause the contents of AUTOTEST.TST to be tested. Here is AUTOTEST.TST, again between equals signs. ======================================================================== /* AUTOTEST.TST */ /* SAMPLE INPUT TO AUTOTEST.PL This input contains some terms which should provoke messages from AutoTest. This is the expected output: Line 1 of AutoTest.TST Goal 5 = 5 should have failed but suceeded Goal 6 = 6 should have failed but suceeded Goal 7 \= 7 should have suceeded but failed Goal 8 \= 8 should have suceeded but failed Goal 9 = 9 should have crashed but suceeded Goal 10 = 10 should have crashed but suceeded Goal 11 \= 11 should have crashed but failed Goal 12 \= 12 should have crashed but failed Goal 13 = 13 should have crashed with error 137 but suceeded Goal 14 = 14 should have crashed with error 137 but suceeded Goal 15 \= 15 should have crashed with error 137 but failed Goal 16 \= 16 should have crashed with error 137 but failed Goal functor(f(1, 2), f, 2) should have passed tests f = g , 2 = 3 but failed Final line of AutoTest.TST */ 'Line 1 of' ... 'AutoTest.TST'<>nl. /* Display */ 1 = 1 :: s. /* OK */ 2 = 2 :: succeeds. /* OK */ 3 \= 3 :: f. /* OK */ 4 \= 4 :: fails. /* OK */ 5 = 5 :: f. /* Message */ 6 = 6 :: fails. /* Message */ 7 \= 7 :: s. /* Message */ 8 \= 8 :: succeeds. /* Message */ 9 = 9 :: c. /* Message */ 10 = 10 :: crashes. /* Message */ 11 \= 11 :: c. /* Message */ 12 \= 12 :: crashes. /* Message */ 13 = 13 :: c(137). /* Message */ 14 = 14 :: crashes(137). /* Message */ 15 \= 15 :: c(137). /* Message */ 16 \= 16 :: crashes(137). /* Message */ 17 = X :: X = 17. /* OK */ functor( f(1,2), F, A ) :: F = f, A = 2. /* OK */ functor( f(1,2), F, A ) :: F = g, A = 3. /* Message */ 'Final line of'<> ' AutoTest.TST'<>nl. /* Display */ ======================================================================== Here is another steering file: ======================================================================== /* DEMO.STEER */ /* Steering file for AutoTest.PL */ 'autotest.tst'. /* Log to files specified in AutoTest.PL */ log_to( 'fred' ). /* Log to FRED. */ ''. /* TEST2.PL is the next test file. */ log_to( [bert,joe,me] ). /* Log to BERT., JOE., ME. */ '[-]TEST3.TST'. /* [-]TEST3.TST is the next test file. */ log_to( user ). /* Now log just to the terminal. */ stay. /* Future test input comes from here. */ fail::s. log_all_tests(on). /* Report future tests, even if OK. */ true::f. 'Final line of steering file.'<>nl. ======================================================================== NOTE ON TESTING FOR PROPER INSTANTIATION Suppose we want to test the predicate 'append', which joins two lists to make a third. The obvious way to do this is: append( [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] ) :: s. Now, suppose that our 'append' works correctly if the third argument is instantiated at call, so ?- append( [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] ). succeeds. Suppose further that it doesn't quite work correctly if the third argument is uninstantiated. Instead, it gives a wrong solution; if you backtrack into it, it then gives the correct solution: ?- append( [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], X ). X = [] More ? (yes/no) yes X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] (This is actually unlikely to happen with the way that most people write 'append', but it's a good illustration of what can happen when testing other predicates). If you autotest 'append' with the third argument instantiated as above, this bug will not be invoked. If you test it like this: append( [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], X ), X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] :: s. the bug will be invoked. However, although the first value for X will be wrong, the goal X=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will force backtracking into append; append will then provide a correct value for X; the whole test will succeed; so the bug won't be noticed. Get round this by using this test: append( [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], X ) :: X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. As soon as 'append' returns with its first (wrong) value for X, AutoTest will cut it, so 'append' can never return the second (correct) value for X. The post-test X=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] will fail, and AutoTest will report this, hence making the bug obvious.