Deutsch - computers may use matter that outdoes the brain

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Deutsch - computers may use matter that outdoes the brain

I shall now try to describe Deutsch's scheme for building a quantum computer. He does not actually try to use some wierd new form of matter like my hypothetical halting crystal. Instead, he exploits quantum phenomena that exist everywhere, but which are usually invisible at a macroscopic scale.

Before I can do so, I must delve into quantum physics. Most of Deutsch's papers on this are very technical, and you're only likely to be able to read them if you start working on such things professionally (but if you do, it will provide - albeit not for ten or fifty years, perhaps - a major advance in computation.) There's a comparatively non-technical account in Mind, Brain and the Quantum by Lockwood (PSY AA:L 081), chapter 14.

Summary of what you must know in order to build a quantum computer.


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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Wed Feb 14 23:51:11 GMT 1996