What is the goal?

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What is the goal?


PopBeast now has to start planning a sequence of actions to achieve this. The first step is to find out exactly what ``open'' means. This is done by looking up opens in a table which gives its meaning in terms of how it changes the world. In Eden, once you have opened a door, it disappears, i.e. the square in which it stood becomes empty. So the meaning can be expressed as ``The effect of opening a door is that at the start of the activity there is a door in some square S, and at the end of the activity there isn't''. In PopBeast's memory, this is stored as below:

verb( opens(D),
      [ square(D,S),door(D) ],
      [ clear(S) ]
Here, verb is a proposition which expresses information about other propositions. The first argument is the predicate which we used to represent ``opens'', the second is a statement about the start of the activity of opening, and the third is a statement about the end of the activity. clear(S) is how PopBeast represents the fact that square S is empty. If we can fill in the current values for D and S, we will have a description of our current goal - to convert a state in which square S contained a door to one in which it doesn't.

Note: as with world-models, not everyone believes that successful artificial intelligences will contain explicit representations of their goals. This view is descended from the idea that goals, beliefs and other ``folk-psychology'' constructs are a pre-scientific means we have developed for describing our own and other minds; they no more describe what really goes on than astrology describes how the cosmos operates. There are therefore no explicit representations of such things in human and animal minds: trying to find them is bad cognitive science. Furthermore, trying to build such representations into artificial minds is bad engineering. These views are put in Taking Eliminative Materialism Seriously: A methodology for Autonomous Systems Research by Tim Smithers, from Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems, edited by Varela and Bourgine (MIT 1992: PSY KH:V 042; RSL M92.C00938); and in An Emerging Paradigm in Robot Architecture by Malcolm, Smithers and Hallam (AI box photocopy M149).

PopBeast does represent such entities - for teaching purposes, to illustrate classical AI. So going back to verbs, other ones could be expressed in the same way. The meaning of ``go to object X'' is stored as

verb( go(X),
      [ square(X,S)],
      [ square(X,S),square(me,S) ]
This expresses the fact that at the start of going, X is in a certain square called S, and at the end of going, PopBeast - me - is also in S.

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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Thu Feb 15 00:09:05 GMT 1996