Planning at a level of abstraction

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Planning at a level of abstraction

When my planner had finished, it produced the following plan:

[ go([4, 4], [5, 6]),
  grab(key(1), [5, 6]),
  go([5, 6], [8, 4]),
meaning ``go from [4,4] to [5,6]; grab key 1; go from [5,6] to [8,4]; use key 1''. You will see that this plan is incomplete; it doesn't say anything about how to go between two points. The reason for this is that my planner is not very efficient (though better than blind search), and it runs slowly if it has to consider too many details. So I have treated ``go'' as a primitive action: as far as the planner is concerned, one can always go between any two points. This is called planning at a level of abstraction: making a plan whilst ignoring some of the details.

Before PopBeast can obey this plan, it must be fleshed out with the actual moves. To do this, PopBeast runs through, looking at all the gos. For each one, it plots a short path between the two points, and then converts that into a sequence of lefts, rights, forwards, and backs. It could be that no such path exists, if (say) there is a wall between the points. In that case, the path-plotter would have to tell the planner to make a new plan. In my example, paths do exist, and I'll ignore situations where they don't.

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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Thu Feb 15 00:09:05 GMT 1996