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The server output stream


One handy feature of Object Rexx is its stream class. Subclasses of this can be defined having their own special methods for open, charout, close and so on. We use this in defining ``server output streams'', which send a sequence of characters to GoServe. The idea is the same as with a normal file-output stream, except that the open method initiates a transaction and sends back the HTTP headers, the charout and lineout methods put characters into a buffer which is flushed as necessary and passed to GoServe line by line, and the close method terminates the transaction. Given this stream class, any instance can send its HTML to the server just by passing an instance of it to its emit method.

The code, which may be of some interest to others, is shown below.

::class ServerOutputStream subclass stream public
  /* ivars buffer asc13_seen */

  ::method init
    expose buffer asc13_seen
    buffer = ''
    asc13_seen = .false

  ::method open
    address goserve 'SEND TYPE text/html AS dynamically_generated_html'
    address goserve 'STRING <!DOCTYPE HTML>'

  ::method charout
    expose buffer asc13_seen
    use arg string

    asc13 = d2c(13)

    buffer = buffer||string

    do while pos(asc13,buffer)<>0
      parse var buffer buffer (asc13) post
      buffer = post


  ::method lineout
    expose buffer
    use arg string
    if buffer<>'' then

  ::method flush private
    expose buffer
    address goserve 'STRING' buffer
    buffer = ''

  ::method close
    expose buffer
    if buffer <> '' then
    address goserve 'SEND COMPLETE'

The tests for asc13 ensure that the buffer is flushed whenever a newline character is encountered, rather than only after a lineout or on a close. We have found that if we don't do this, the buffer can grow to exceed the maximum number of characters GoServe can send in one line, so that some output gets lost.

Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Fri May 30 14:03:06 BST 1997