Prolog Object-oriented Embedded Manager, POEM --------------------------------------------- This note explains how to use the simple object manipulation package for Prolog systems, POEM. 1. Class Definition ------------------- POEM makes available some of the features found in languages like Simula-67. Classes may be defined, objects (instantiations of classes) created and operated on as high- level entities. An example is often the best way to introduce an idea. Suppose that points are to be represented in 2-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates, and only the quadrant 0 <= x,y <= 10 is to be considered: class point(X, Y) checks ( X >= 0, X =< 10, Y >= 0, Y =< 10 ) body identical( point(X1, Y1) ) => ( X1 = X, Y1 = Y ) -&- distance2( point(X1, Y1), Dist ) => Dist is (X1-X)*(X1-X)+(Y1-Y)*(Y1-Y). This declaration then sets up a class 'point'. The clauses following 'checks' are executed whenever a new point object is created, and the 'checks' goal must succeed for the object to be successfully instantiated. Two predicates are defined to manipulate the class: identical/1 succeeds if the argument point structure is the same as the point that owns this incarnation of identical/1. distance2/2 instantiates its second argument to the square of the distance between the two points. 2. Subclass Definition ---------------------- As in Simula, a hierarchy of classes may be established. This allows subclasses to be defined with all the checks and predicates of their superclasses, and further subclass specific ones. For example, suppose a class 'rhombus' has been defined. A rhombus is specified by any three of its vertices. Further to this, some operations can be defined only for squares owing to their special symmetry. This setup could be realised by: class rhombus(P1, P2, P3) checks /* ensure that P1, P2, P3 are valid points */ body area(A) => /* find the rhombus's area */. square(P1, P2, P3) class rhombus checks /* extra checks for squares */ body circle(C) => /* find the circumcircle */. For objects of class 'square', both the predicates 'area' and 'circle' are available. Note that all the initialisation checks defined for rhombuses are automatically applied to squares too. Extra ones specific to squares may be defined. If class 'square' were to define another predicate 'area', then this new version would be executed only on failure of the superclass 'rhombus' version of 'area'. Subclasses must have the same description list as their superclass, otherwise the superclass predicates cannot meaningfully be applied. 3. Class Syntax Summary ----------------------- Classes of objects may be defined with the following syntax: ::= | ::= class ::= class ::= checks body . ::= () ::= {Prolog atom} ::= {Prolog argument list} ::= {Prolog goal} | none ::= [-&- ]* | none ::= {Prolog clause head} => {Prolog goal} { and } are meta-symbols enclosing an informal description of a syntactic term. [ and ] are meta-symbols enclosing an optional syntactic term. * is a meta-symbol denoting arbitrary repetition (0 or more times) of the preceding syntactic term. The terminal items 'class', 'checks', 'body', '=>' and '-&-' are all operators (defined in ''). In order for Prolog to parse the class patterns, the initialisation checks and the predicates must be composed only of operators of lower numeric precedence. So any compound goals involving ',' or ';' must be enclosed in brackets, as in the example class 'point' of section 1. 4. Object Manipulation ---------------------- To enter the class definitions into the Prolog database, the top level predicate poem/0 is used. The necessary procedure is: - consult the file ''. This sets up the necessary operator declarations. - consult the user defined file of class definitions. - invoke the predicate poem/0. This translates the class definitions into the internal Prolog representation. Once this is done, the objects can be defined and manipulated. Here is how the above example class 'point' might be used: new( point(3,4), P34 ). new( point(6,7), P67 ). new( point(3,4), AnotherP34). new/2 is a predicate that instantiates its second argument to be a new object of type and attributes defined by the first argument. Any initialisation checks required by the class definition are performed - the goal new/2 will simply fail (without an error message) if these checks are not satisfied. new/2 in fact calls instance/1, and this can be directly accessed by the user to verify an object's validity. For example, instance( point(3,4) ). { or instance( P34 ) } succeeds if the argument is a valid instance of the class 'point'. Then the operator ':' provides the access mechanism to objects and their manipulation predicates, of the form :(). This mechanism calls the belonging to . So: P34:identical( AnotherP34 ). succeeds, P34:distance2( P67, D ). or P67:distance2( P34, D ). instantiates D to 18. There is no run-time distinction between classes and subclasses, and they are accessed identically. 5. Further Explanation ---------------------- Some indication of the mechanisms used by poem/0 and the operator ':' will be useful to understand how the object manipulation works. The code for POEM is written entirely in Prolog and can be inspected in the file ''. poem/0 translates all clauses in the Prolog database which match the patterns class Name checks Checks body Body. or Subname class Supername checks Checks body Body. Firstly the initialisation checks are processed: a predicate instance/1 is defined for each new class which succeeds if the object described is a valid instance of its class. Secondly the object manipulation predicates are translated. Since different classes may define operations of the same name, to differentiate between these the predicates are asserted into the Prolog database as a goal with a functor of their class name. So in the example given above of the class 'point', the predicate 'identical(P)' is stored as 'point(identical(P))'. In addition, the attributes of each object created need to be bound into the manipulation predicate definitions. This is done by appending the object description list to the argument list of each predicate. So, for example, in the definition of identical/1 in the example class 'point( X,Y )' given previously, identical( point(X1,Y1) ) ... translates to internal form: point( identical( point(X1,Y1), X, Y ) ) ... The operator ':' provides the run-time translations needed to call the object manipulation predicates by their internal names. ':' is used by calling :(). ':' takes the functor name from , creates a goal with that functor name, and an argument of the predicate name with its arguments. For example, point(1,2):distance(point(3,4), D). translates to point( distance(point(3,4), D, 1, 2) ). Subclasses are treated by preprocessing their new checks and predicates into new classes, and redirecting all calls to predicates of that subclass to its superclass. So in the square/rectangle example given in section 2, the square subclass translates to /* make all rectangle predicates available to square */ square(X) :- rectangle(X). /* setup square as a new class, keeping rectangle checks */ class square(P1,P2,P3) checks ( instance(rectangle(P1,P2,P3)), {any square-specific checks} ) body {any square-specific predicates}. 6. Examples Of POEM In Action ----------------------------- An example of POEM in use as a classic Simula-style object programming language is given in the file ''. This is a geometric shape manipulation application, and is ready for consulting by Prolog. It will automatically consult POEM as required. Comments in the file should prove adequate. POEM could be used in a simple way to force some degree of type-checking onto Prolog structures. This is done by defining classes with only a 'checks' part and ignoring the 'body'. For example, class complex( R, Theta ) checks ( numeric( R ), 0 =< R, numeric( Theta ), -180 < Theta, 180 >= Theta ) body none. So this way, if a complex number is 'created' by new( complex(1,90), _i ). then range checks are automatically applied to the modulus and argument of the new number, and '_i' is instantiated to the verified complex number, ie the structure 'complex(1,90)'. Of course, this does rely on the goodwill of the user to call new/2 for each creation, since using 'complex(1,90)' literally in place of '_i' will bypass the system. 7. Parting Shot --------------- Wholly wonderful as POEM is, it is only a quickly written program and does not make any claims to robustness. In particular, there is no error detection mechanism - if classes are defined with incorrect syntax, the malformed classes will not be processed. Generally, errors result in logical failure of the associated goal. Any comments, suggestions or improvements would be very welcome. Contact Ben Staveley-Taylor, Plessey Electronic Systems Research Ltd., Roke Manor, ROMSEY, Hants. SO5 0ZN. Tel. Romsey (0794) 515222 ext 311 BST, June 1985.