Semantics of Line Drawings
Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
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Caricature through character of line (4)

"We will now go a step further in the construction of these symbolic caricatures. On Plate 28 I have drawn three designs, which, although not caricatures of persons, are intended in essence to be true caricatures. I with to say at once that these plates are not necessarily successes, but they are the best suited for my purpose. These three sketches are symbolic designs of three qualities. You will not recognise these qualities until told, for the same reason that you would not have shouted the name Napoleon on being shown Fig. E of Plate 27.

Fig. A of this plate was drawn while concentrating on the quality — speed. Now you have been told the name or title, I trust that you will see it in every line, and, especially, that you will feel it in the design as a whole. Looking at the pattern, you should now feel a sensation of speed — and nothing else. Here is the root of all previous remarks in this chapter.

Fig. B is intended to visualise peace. I am not going to attempt to analyse the lines, their cause or excuse: they came with thoughts of peace. I leave you to criticise, analyse, and I hope, improve upon this conception.

Intelligence is the feeling behind Fig. C of this Plate. You may say that in very truth it needs a name? Yes, but having named it, I believe you may, by looking intensely, have a truer feeling — not thought — of the quality we call intelligence."

From L. A. Doust, A Manual on Caricature and Cartoon Drawing, 1936.