Two more commands - turning the view window on and off

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Two more commands - turning the view window on and off

There are two more control commands which are not shown on the status line. These are + and -, which turn the view window on and off respectively.

When you start a life, the view window is turned on, and will display all the production system's internal workings. Though useful, this does slow down the display, so it's useful to know how to turn it off.

You should be back in Prolog, with the ?- prompt. Start a new life by typing

eps( psbug2, psworld2 ).
Don't forget the dot and RETURN!

Then type - and RETURN. Eden will then invite you to type another control command. Type s, a space, 30, and RETURN. This time, the bug will run through a life as above, but without the view output. It will eventually exit to Prolog, as before.

You can turn the view window back on with +, as I now show. Start a new life. Type - and hit RETURN. Then type s, a space, 10, and RETURN. This will run the bug through 10 cycles. Next, type + and RETURN. Then type s, a space, 20, and RETURN. This will run the bug through the rest of its life, this time with the view window on.

Of course, you can also single-step, using y, with view either on or off.

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Jocelyn Paine
Thu Feb 15 00:11:34 GMT 1996