Generating regular forms

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Generating regular forms

Here, the task is one of working out which suffix - s, ed, ...- to stick onto a root. In generating irregular forms, the information we needed was held in the lexicon. For regular forms, it is held elsewhere, in the word-grammar rules. Explaining this requires a bit more knowledge about the MA.

I haven't checked in detail, but I believe the MA works in the following fashion. When asked to analyse a word, the MA first segments it into all possible combinations of morphemes, by moving along the word and looking up every possible substring in the lexicon. From these, it builds up all the possible sequences of lexical entries whose citation fields can be concatenated to form the original word. This is illustrated below: the function that does the segmentation is externally callable under the name D-Segment. The lexicon used in this example had two entries for throughout, one for through, and four for out.

> (D-Segment "throughout")

 (("throughout" |throughout|
   ((FIX NOT) (INFL +) (BAR |0|) (N -) (V -) (PFORM NORM) (PRD +)
   "throughout" NIL))

 (("throughout" |throughout|
   ((FIX NOT) (INFL +) (BAR |0|) (V -) (N -) (SUBCAT NP) (PRO -)
   "throughout" NIL))

 (("through" |through| ((FIX NOT) (PRT THROUGH)) "through" NIL)
  ("out" |out| ((FIX NOT) (PRT OUT)) "out" NIL))

 (("through" |through| ((FIX NOT) (PRT THROUGH)) "through" NIL)
  ("out" |out|
   ((FIX NOT) (INFL +) (BAR |0|) (N -) (V -) (PFORM NORM) (PRD +)
   "out" NIL))

 (("through" |through| ((FIX NOT) (PRT THROUGH)) "through" NIL)
  ("out" |out|
   ((FIX NOT) (INFL +) (BAR |0|) (N -) (V -) (PFORM NORM) (PRD +)
   "out" NIL))

 (("through" |through| ((FIX NOT) (PRT THROUGH)) "through" NIL)
  ("out" |out|
   ((FIX NOT) (INFL +) (BAR |0|) (V -) (N -) (SUBCAT NP) (PRO -)
   "out" NIL))

 (("through" |through| ((FIX NOT) (PRT THROUGH)) "through" NIL)
  ("out-" |out-|
   ((INFL +) (BAR |-1|) (FIX PRE) (STEM ((N -) (V +) (BAR |0|))))
   "out-" NIL))

Abstractly, this implements a function which maps a string to a set of sequences of citation-form/feature-set pairs. Each of these sequences will, if all its elements are joined, give back the original word. The only elements that can appear in these sequences are the citation forms in the lexicon. Within that constraint, all possible sequences are generated.

Note that this has implications for the lexicon-writer. If the lexicon contains the compound word superman, and also the morphemes super and man, then morphemic segmentation of superman will find the two simple morphemes as well as the compound word. Putting a compound into the lexicon does not override segmentation into smaller units.

The next step is to check which of these sequences are grammatically valid. does not do this, and will, for example, happily segment a word into a noun root plus a verb past-tense suffix, as section 4.2 of [MA] implies. Such checking is done by the word-grammar rules. These can be thought of as implementing a filter function: . This process does not generate any new morphemes, so the result of is a subset of its argument.

In fact, the word-grammar rules don't just filter out inappropriate segmentations, they also generate feature-structures to describe the appropriate ones. So we need to replace by . The combination of and is what D-LookUp implements. The end of section 7.8 of [G+M] describes a language analyser that works along very similar lines.

The word-grammar rules


Collectively, the word-grammar rules specify which feature-sets can occur in combination, and hence which of a word's segmentations are valid. They also enable the parser to construct one feature-set which describes the whole sequence.

Here is the source form of a sample word-grammar rule: one similar, but not identical, to one of those supplied with the Alvey lexicon:

    [BAR 0, PLU +, V -, N +] ->
        [BAR 0, PLU -, V +, N -],
        [FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]

The N-PLURAL is the name of the rule, and is not used by the parser. The things in square brackets here are feature-sets, written in the notation I used in the introduction. List notation is also acceptable, as are various abbreviations. All these are explained in section 7 of [MA]. If all the feature-sets were written as lists, this rule would become

    ( (BAR 0) (PLU +) (V -) (N +) ) ->
        ( (BAR 0) (PLU -) (V +) (N -) ),
        ( (FIX SUF) (PLU +) (V -) (N +) )
This is worth mentioning, because it is similar, though not identical, to the way the rules are represented internally: see section 3.3.3.

The meaning of the rule to the parser is merely that if two morphemes occur, one with the feature-set

[BAR 0, PLU -, V +, N -]
and the following one with the feature-set
[FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]
that combination is allowed. The set describing the whole sequence is
[ BAR 0, PLU +, V -, N +]
This rule could be used to describe noun plurals. As I mentioned in the introduction, lexical nouns are represented by the feature combination [V -, N +, BAR 0], rather than by one feature such as [CAT NOUN]. The plural suffix s has a lexical entry which includes the features [FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]. So the rule is saying ``if you find a singular noun-morpheme, and a plural suffix, the combination is allowed, and counts as a plural noun''.

Can we generate using the rules?


At first sight, I thought it would be easy to generate regular forms by running the rules backwards. Suppose we have a feature-set which describes a plural noun, and we have a root , in the sense of section 3.2.5 on irregular forms. We also have a set of word-grammar rules, one of which is the noun-plural one above:

[BAR 0, PLU +, V -, N +] ->
    [BAR 0, PLU -, V +, N -],
    [FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]
Then we could proceed as follows. First, match against the left-hand side of each rule. It should certainly match the left-hand side of the noun-plural one, and we hope it won't match any of the others.

Next, look at the two feature-sets on the right-hand side. Do either of them describe lexical entries? If so, then we can pick these from the lexicon. If not, we will have to match these new feature sets against the rules, repeating the process recursively until all our sets map onto the lexicon.

In this case, the first set on the right-hand side is that for a singular noun. Suppose our root were abbot. Then we could find a lexical entry for abbot as a singular noun, so we have one morpheme. The second set on the right-hand side is that for the plural morpheme. It is marked as an affix, rather than a morpheme which can stand on its own, by the feature FIX SUF. Scanning the lexicon, we find only one entry whose features are

[FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]
This is the suffix s, so we know it's the one we want. We therefore end up with the two morphemes abbot and s.

How are rules stored?


Before being able to manipulate rules in this way, we need to know how they're stored. This section goes into a bit of detail about the internal workings of the relevant MA code. Useful to the software archeologist, but skimmable by others.

Like lexica, word-grammar rules have to be ``compiled'' before they can be used. This is done by calling the routine D-MakeWordGrammar with a filename as argument. It reads the rules' source text from <file>-gr and writes a compiled form to <file> Compiled word-grammars must be loaded with the routine D-LoadWordGrammar.

The compiled-rules file consists of a number of Lisp S-expressions. They are not documented in the MA code, but I have worked out some of what they are for by reading the module that loads word-grammars, SMAFUNCS.LSP and the one that compiles them, SMKWGRAM.LSP, and by dumping sample files. As with compiled lexica, the compiled rules are much easier to read if you compile them with the *print-pretty* flag on.

The most important S-expression is the second one in the file. This is a list of lists. When I compile the rules that come with our lexicon, it looks like this:

    ((COMPOUND N) (N +) (V -))
    ((N +) (V -) (INFL +) (FIX NOT) (NUM -) (COMPOUND |?yorn|) (PN -))
    ((N +) (V -) (COMPOUND NOT) (NUM -) (INFL +) (FIX NOT) (PN -)))
    ((BAR |0|) (V +) (N -))
    ((BAR |0|) (V +) (N -) (SUBTYPE |?st2|))
    ((FIX SUF) (PSVE -) (AFFREG ODD1) (V +) (N -)))
... <etc> ...
    ((BAR |0|) (N |?bool1|) (V |?bool2|)) ((FIX PRE))
    ((BAR |0|) (N |?bool1|) (V |?bool2|)))
On calling D-LoadWordGrammar, it is assigned to the global variable D-GRAMMAR. Each element is the compiled form of one rule: the rules are stored in reverse order.

Each compiled rule is a list with the form

(<?> <name> <lhs> <rhs1> <rhs2> ... )
I am not sure what the first entry is, but it may indicate whether the rule contains any feature variables. The second is the rule's name, and the following ones are the feature-sets. These are lists of lists, each inner list being a feature-value pair in the form
(<feature> <value>)

Feature values appear to be either symbols (for ground values) or lists (for feature-variables). I think they can also be feature-sets, but none of the rules in the MA lexicon have this. Variables are stored in the form

(<integer> <value1> <value2> ... )
as described in section 3.2.8.

Other S-expressions in the file carry things like the contents of the WHead and Alias declarations. Looking at the names of the global variables printed by the print statements in D-MakeWordGrammar in SMKWGRAM.LSP will indicate where these come in the file.

Problems with running the rules backwards

Although the internal form of rules is easy to handle, I have found a few other problems with the idea of running rules backwards. These I list below. The final two are the most serious, and are dealt with in more detail in the following section.

Controlling lexical access.
In my example with N-PL, the first feature-set on the right-hand side required us to find the correct lexical entry for a given root. However, in the second one, the root was irrelevant, and we had to search the lexicon for the one and only affix with a given feature set. How do we distinguish between these cases, and how do we implement an efficient affix search?

Non-unique affixes.
It is possible that some affixes might not be uniquely specified by a feature set. For example, Dutch has two plural suffixes, s and en. en is more common, but even s is common enough that we would not regard it as irregular.

The natural way for someone writing a Dutch lexicon to deal with this would be to have two lexical entries, one for en and one for s, both with the feature-set [FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]. However, though this is no problem for the analyser, it would mean that on generation, we would not have enough information to choose which plural suffix to add. gif

Since we are not concerned with foreign languages, this doesn't affect the Assistant directly. gif It was worth mentioning though since something like this could have happened in English. I can't think of any examples, and none of the inflectional affixes in the lexicon behave in this way.

Compound words.
The current lexicon has one word-grammar rule which builds compound words out of simple ones: houseboat from house and boat. Technically, I think the distinction between this and the other rules is that it builds words out of free morphemes (morphemes that can stand on their own), whereas the others always attach a bound morpheme (an affix, which can't stand on its own). Is it sensible to attempt running such a rule backwards, and if so, how?

Inflectional versus derivational affixes.
In the current lexicon, all affixes are treated alike, whether they are inflectional ones like the plural, or derivational ones like hood. It is easy to see how, once we have parsed mothers into a root and a plural feature-set, we could later reverse this process and reattach the s. However, what do we do with motherhood? This issue also affects the way compound words are treated, and is discussed in more detail in the following section, 3.3.5

Inflectional versus derivational morphology


English has a large variety of affixes. Prefix affixes include dis, non and super; suffix affixes include ation, ed, ess, est, hood, ly and s.

Linguistics (or at least the references I have checked on) makes a distinction between two types of affix, inflectional and derivational. Inflectional affixes can be applied to any word of a given part of speech, and change its meaning in a uniform way. Thus, the plural suffix s can be applied to any noun; given the meaning of the singular, you know that of the plural. The same goes for the past-tense inflection ed. (Irregular words have to be treated specially here, but there is still usually some way to inflect them.) In general, inflectional affixes do not change a word's part of speech: abbot and abbots are both nouns; read, reads and reading are all verbs; great, greater and greatest are all adjectives. (I am not sure how ing, as in he finished the editing fits in here.)

Derivational affixes cannot be applied with the same uniformity. It is permissible to say disconnect but not (*) disblow; to say motherhood but not (*) mousehood; to say quickly but not (*) yellowly. When they can be applied, the change in meaning is less predictable: compare bespectacled with beheaded. Some derivational affixes do change the part of speech, as in edit to editor.

I am not sure how much the inflectional/derivational distinction is universally applicable over the world's languages. However, from the viewpoint of the MA and its English lexicon, the distinction reflects the information available about the affixes. The meaning of derivational affixes is not captured in the feature sets generated from the word-grammar rules. That of inflectional affixes is. So the feature set for mothers has a feature marking it as plural; but that for motherhood does not contain any information about the meaning of hood. In fact, the feature sets which D-LookUp generates for mother and motherhood are identical.

This causes problems. In section 3.3.1, I showed a word-grammar rule for noun plurals. In fact the MA lexicon does not include a rule that's specific to these. Instead, there's one general rule for all noun suffixes:

      [BAR 0, N +, V -] ->
            [BAR 0, N ?bool1, V ?bool2],
            [FIX SUF, N +, V -] )
The [FIX SUF, N +, V -] feature-set will match any suffix which has these features in its lexical entry. As the lexicon is written, this means any suffix which converts the word to which it's appended into a noun. (The things beginning with ? are feature variables, which don't concern us here.)

This includes the plural suffix s, whose feature-set is [FIX SUF, PLU +, V -, N +]. But how does the parser know that if it has found a plural suffix, it should transfer the feature-value pair PLU + to the left-hand side of the rule? There is nothing in the rule above to tell it so.

The answer is the ``word head'' convention, described in section 7.9 of [MA]. This is one of several means provided by the MA to reduce the amount of explicit information that the person writing the rules needs to put down. The word-head convention applies only to rules of the form

mother -> daughter1 daughter2
It stipulates that if the parser can match against such a rule, then the values of any features declared in a FeatureClass WHead declaration will be the same in the right daughter as in the mother. Thus, if the rules-file contains the declaration
FeatureClass WHead = {PLU, POSS}
then if the parser matches this rule against a suffix with the PLU + or POSS 1 features (say), then the feature-set resulting from the whole rule will also be given them. Roughly speaking, the parser appears to achieve this by filtering out from the suffix's feature-set those features which appear in the WHead declaration, and unifying them with the left-hand side of the rule.

There are several other feature-passing conventions, all described in section 7.9 of [MA]. Briefly, these are

The points introduced in this section have the following consequences:

In the following section, I talk about how we preserve roots and derivational affixes. This includes a description of the format of D-LookUp parse trees. The section after that, section 3.3.7 discusses the problem of reversing the inflectional rules.

Word skeletons


To recap, the idea behind morphological generation is that the Assistant will request a feature-set by calling D-LookUp on some word, abbot for example. It may later decide on the basis of various syntax-checking rules that some features have the wrong value, e.g. that the noun should have been pluralised. If so, it will try and generate replacement text for the word, by passing the amended feature-set back to the generator.

The question arises of where the generator is going to get the root morpheme for abbot from, onto which it affixes the plural s. By default, D-LookUp only returns a set of feature-sets, each reflecting one possible analysis of the word. None of these contain the root morpheme.

It is, however, possible to change the ``lookup format'' by calling D-ChangeLookUpFormat, as described in [MA] sections 3.1 and 3.2. If it is changed to 'D-WORDSTRUCTURE, D-LookUp will return a parse-tree, giving all rules and lexical entries entering into the word's successful parses. This does contain the root morpheme as part of an embedded lexical entry, but one has to know the tree's structure in order to find it.

Now suppose we look up superabbot. Assuming there is no lexical entry for this, but that there are entries for super and abbot, the MA will first do a morpheme segmentation and find that the word can be decomposed into these two morphemes, and will then call the word-grammar rules to check that they are syntactically correct in combination. If the lookup-format is 'D-WORDSTRUCTURE, it will again return a parse tree, this time containing the two morpheme entries as leaves. This leads to the idea that we can pick off the leaves of these parse trees, and hence build a list of root morphemes.

That in essence is what I do in the auxiliary routine EA-ParseTreeToSkeleton, taking a parse tree and returning a list of root morphemes, which I call a ``skeleton''. For the noun superabbothood, the skeleton would be ("super-" "abbot" "+hood").

The skeleton includes derivational affixes, but not inflectional ones. When building a skeleton, EA-ParseTreeToSkeleton needs to distinguish the two. There are two ways it could do this: by examining the rules, or by examining the suffixes. The first would require some way of distinguishing inflectional rules from derivational ones. With the existing grammar, this is not possible since one rule can be used for both purposes. However, it is possible to rewrite the rules so that there are separate inflectional ones, and I have tried this. I also added a new declaration Inflectional which was followed by the names of all the inflectional rules, and which was ``compiled'' into a list of these names. With this, it was possible to implement EA-ParseTreeToSkeleton.

This method, or a modification thereof, would have been useful if I had decided to run the rules backwards during generation. Since eventually I didn't, it seemed better to leave them alone and have EA-ParseTreeToSkeleton examine the suffixes instead. (I suspect that factoring out one rule into several leads to parsing inefficiency.) In my test lexicon, I therefore marked all the inflectional suffixes with a GENINFL + feature, and added a completion rule so that all the others got a GENINFL - feature. This rule, below, had to be added to my version of the dru file which gets included by the lexicon source text:

    (_ _ ((FIX SUF) ~(GENINFL _) _rest) _ _) =>
    (& & ((FIX SUF) (GENINFL -) _rest) & &)
It was also necessary to add a Feature GENINFL{+, -} declaration to the file decls. This is a set of feature declarations that gets included in the lexicon and the word-grammar rules.

Given these markers, it is easy to convert parse trees into skeletons. A skeleton is a list of citation forms, and is used by the main morphological generation routine, EA-CatAndSkeletonToWords. This takes a skeleton and a feature-set, and inflects the rightmost morpheme in the skeleton, either adding an inflectional suffix or replacing by an irregular form.

A typical lookup-and-regenerate sequence will then go something like this:

(D-ChangeLookUpFormat 'D-WORDSTRUCTURE)
(setq parse-tree (D-LookUp word))
(setq skeleton (EA-ParseTreeToSkeleton parse-tree))
(setq feature-set (EA-ParseTreeToCat parse-tree))
... possibly change some features in feature-set ...
(setq new-words (EA-CatAndSkeletonToWords feature-set skeleton))
Here, EA-ParseTreeToCat is a utility for extracting the feature-set from a parse-tree, to save the caller having to know how to do this.

The use of skeletons relies on the assumption that if you you need to make any inflectional changes, you inflect only the right-hand morpheme. That is, apparently, always valid for simple words in English. It is usually valid for compounds too: piggy-back/piggy-backed. There are a few exceptions like mother-in-law/mothers-in-law. These are best treated as special lexical entries with irregular plurals. Doing so would also stop the MA from accepting (*) mother-in-laws as a plural, which it may do now (I haven't checked).

I end with an account of how parse trees are represented. This is described in full in section 3.2 of [MA], and also in section 7.7. The former describes how the tree is represented as a list; the latter, how the feature structures in its nodes are related by unification to those in the lexicon and word-grammar rules.

D-LookUp returns, when in 'D-WORDSTRUCTURE mode, a list of trees, each corresponding to one of the successful parses. Each tree has the form

( <feature-structure> 'ENTRY <lexical entry> )
( <feature-structure> <rule name> <subtree1>* )

The first type of tree is that for a lexical entry, where no rules were involved. The second element is the symbol ENTRY, and the third element is the lexical entry itself. Use the second element to distinguish between this kind of tree and that which represents the application of a rule. Note: it is probably not a good idea to name a word-grammar rule ENTRY!

The second type of tree represents the application of a rule. Its second element is the rule's name. The elements following are themselves trees, corresponding to the feature structures in the rule's right-hand side.

Can we run the inflectional rules backwards?


I have already discussed some of the problems with this. I think the most workable approach is to pre-compile the rules into a mapping from feature-sets to suffixes, as follows:

  1. Introduce a new type of declaration, in which the grammar-writer names those rules that can never be used for inflectional suffixes.

  2. The MA can use this to ignore such rules. It will now examine each of the remaining rules in turn, and try to construct from them a set of feature-set to affix mappings.

  3. Each remaining rule should be of the form
    lhs -> stem suffix
    We now need to generate one ``instance'' of this for each possible suffix. The left-hand side of each instance will have all its features fully specified, none being left implicit in word-head or other conventions. The objective is to end up with a list of instances of the form
    lhs -> suffix
    Given a feature-set to generate from, we then match it against each left-hand side in turn. If it matches more than one, this is an error; if it matches none, that may be an error; if it matches only one, we return the corresponding suffix.

  4. How do we convert a rule into a set of instances? For the reasons described below, I have not thought this out in detail. Roughly speaking, we want to look through the lexicon, instantiating the suffix feature-set to that for each suffix in turn.

    One way to do this would be to fool the parser. Suppose that the lexicon contained a copy of the entry for each inflectional suffix, with the citation field zzzz. Suppose also that it contained a copy of the entry for each stem, with the citation field aaaa. Then if we did a D-LookUp on the ``word'' aaaazzzz, we would get a list of all the possible parse trees. These would contain the feature-sets resulting from each parse, including all the features constructed by the feature-passing conventions. We could use these as the left-hand sides of our rules, and the real lexical entry for each suffix as our right-hand side. I haven't thought this through, but such a method would avoid having to use all the feature-passing information.

Although I think this is possible, it would have meant quite a lot of poking around inside the MA, and probably some wasted time while I found out how various internal routines and data-structures worked. It seemed more sensible to - at least for a first trial - to abandon this approach and have the grammar-writer write a separate set of generation rules instead. All we need is a a list of feature-set/suffix pairs. These would be easy to compile, and easy to generate from, by comparing a feature-set with each pair in turn until a match was found. In addition, they make it explicit exactly which features are used to distinguish one suffix from another. Implicitly generated rules would not do this, and in that sense, are worse software engineering. Finally, English has very few inflections, so the time taken to write and debug the generation rules should be much less, even including their implementation, than that taken to implement a general rule-reverser. (We are only concerned with English in this version of the Assistant.)

Generational rules

I have therefore modified the word-grammar compiler in SMKWGRAM.LSP so that it accepts ``generational rules''. These are declared as an optional final section in the word-grammar file, headed by the word Generation. Each rule has the form

( <name> <lhs> -> <affix> )
where <name> is the same kind of thing as the name of the analysis rules, <lhs> is a feature-set, and <affix> is a string.

<affix> is written in the lexical alphabet, not the surface one, and should therefore be something that the spelling rules (section 3.4) can sensibly be run backwards on. Usually, it will be the same as one of the citation forms in the lexicon. The only features that will appear in the compiled form of the left-hand side are those put in by the author; I do not add any defaults.

As an example, these are the rules that I am currently using at the end of my modified d-gr file:


    ; Noun plural.
        ( N-PLURAL
            [ BAR 0, N +, V -, PLU + ] -> "+s" )

    ; Adjective comparatives.
        ( A-ER
            [ BAR 0, N +, V +, AFORM ER ] -> "+er" )

        ( A-EST
            [ BAR 0, N +, V +, AFORM EST ] -> "+est" )

    ; Verb -ing.
        ( V-ING
           [BAR 0, V +, N -, VFORM ING] -> "+ing" )

    ; Verb past tense.
        ( V-PAST
           [BAR 0, V +, N -, FIN +, PAST +] -> "+ed" )

    ; Verb past participle.
        ( V-PAST-PART
           [BAR 0, V +, N -, VFORM EN] -> "+ed" )

    ; Verb passive.
        ( V-PASSIVE
           [BAR 0, V +, N -, PSVE +] -> "+ed" )

    ; Verb 3rd present singular.
        ( V-3PS
           [BAR 0, V +, N -, FIN +, PAST -] -> "+s" )
English being as inflectionally simple as it is, these cover (I think) all the regular inflectional affixes. With the standard MA lexicon, you can probably use them almost as they are, though I would like a linguist familiar with the MA to check them.

These rules are compiled by code in SMKWGRAM.LSP, and loaded by code in SMAFUNCS.LSP. The latter assigns them to the global variable EA-GENERATION-RULES, where they are stored as a list of lists, each inner list having the form

( <name> <feature-set> <affix> )

They are used by the routine EA-CatToAffix in MORPHGEN.LSP. This is described in the comments there. Put briefly, it unifies its feature-set argument with each left-hand side in turn. If more than one left-hand side successfully unifies (i.e. more than one rule matches), it will raise an error. Otherwise, it returns the corresponding affix.

To compile the word-grammar rules, call D-MakeWordGrammar as usual. To load them, call D-LoadWordGrammar, again as usual. I have modified the rest of the MA so that these routines deal automatically with the generation rules. If you are not interested in generation, you can omit the generation rules and everything will work as before.

Note: the word-grammar file which I added these rules to had a final declaration section called Semantics. This is recognised by the code of the MA, but is not described in [MA].

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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Wed Feb 14 17:12:29 GMT 1996